Orcas Are Considered One Species. Should They Be?

Killer whales are some of the most cosmopolitan creatures on the planet, swimming through every one of the world’s oceans. They patrol the frigid waters near both poles and periodically pop up in the tropics, in locations from western Africa to Hawaii. Although their habitats and habits vary widely, all killer whales are considered part… Continue reading Orcas Are Considered One Species. Should They Be?

Harrison Ford Inspires Name for New Snake Species

He’s just a plant dad? Photo: Daniel Leal/AFP via Getty Images Harrison Ford is so over his association with snakes. Researchers named a new species of snake found in Peru’s Andes after the man who plays Indiana Jones, who utters a famous line about the reptile in the 1981 film Indiana Jones and the Raiders… Continue reading Harrison Ford Inspires Name for New Snake Species