Gene Therapy Allows an 11-Year-Old Boy to Hear for the First Time

Aissam Dam, an 11-year-old boy, grew up in a world of profound silence. He was born deaf and had never heard anything. While living in a poor community in Morocco, he expressed himself with a sign language he invented and had no schooling. Last year, after moving to Spain, his family took him to a… Continue reading Gene Therapy Allows an 11-Year-Old Boy to Hear for the First Time

Sickle cell patients see hope in revolutionary gene therapy

Lyric Porter wanted her life back. Born with sickle cell disease, she had a fever at age 5 that scarred her lungs and required her to roll an oxygen tank to school. When she was growing up, clogged blood vessels racked her body with stabbing sensations and forced her to be hospitalized again and again.… Continue reading Sickle cell patients see hope in revolutionary gene therapy