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Doja Cat’s ‘Scarlet’ Album Art Similar to Chaver’s Of Gloom


Photo: Noam Galai/Getty Images for YouTube

Look at her, look at her — you lookin’? At Doja Cat’s album cover for Scarlet, that is, which she debuted last night. The simple art features a scarlet (well, maybe more magenta) spider with a drop of blood above it. And to some fans, it looked pretty familiar. A month before, the German metal band Chaver previewed their upcoming album, Of Gloom, with a cover featuring what looks like the same spider, with a jewel instead of a blood drop (plus their logo). Both covers were designed by the Portland, Oregon, artist Dusty Ray, whom Chaver said on Instagram has designed all of their albums. And to make things more complicated, both albums will be released on September 22. Vulture reached out to Ray, Doja Cat, and Chaver for comment. In the meantime, see if you can spot more of a difference between the two covers, below.


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