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Angelica Ross Speaks Out Against Ryan Murphy & Emma Roberts


Angelica Ross and Ryan Murphy.
Photo-Illustration: Vulture. Photos: Getty Images

Angelica Ross, the actress known for starring in Pose and American Horror Story, is cleaning out, and her AHS collaborators are not sparking joy. In a series of posts on X (née Twitter) on September 18, Ross shared screenshots of email conversations she had with Pose and AHS creator Ryan Murphy, accompanied by quotes from Zakiya Dalila Harris’s The Other Black Girl, claiming that he ghosted her after saying he wanted to work with her on a season of AHS, causing her to miss other opportunities, like a Marvel role. In the screenshots from July 2020, Murphy follows up on Ross’s idea for a Black woman–focused season of AHS, potentially starring Ross, Keke Palmer, and Gabourey Sidibe, along with another Black woman who is yet to be determined.

Ross then shared an email from almost two years later, sent in February 2022, in which she follows up with Murphy about the project. In the email, Ross asks if she can be involved in the production side of the project as well. In the caption for the post, Ross reveals that when she sent that email, she was “still contractually in first position with the show,” and added, “Mind you, marvel had called twice now. I haven’t heard from him since.”

She further elaborated on Marvel’s relevancy in a later post responding to the Wrap’s telling of her story. Her continued contractual obligation to AHS meant that she couldn’t accept a Marvel job, despite not hearing back from Murphy. “I called business affairs for MONTHS trying to get clarity if they were picking up my contract option or if I was ok to tell Marvel that I was available for whatever they were calling me for,” she said in a post. “I had been auditioning for THREE YEARS for marvel. It’s that I was HELD in first position the whole time.”

Following her posts about Murphy, Ross promised, “Will also tell you about the transphobic remarks my co-star said to my face, and the racism I complained about on set that they said was ‘free speech.’” She made good on the post on September 19 via an Instagram Live, accusing former AHS: 1984 co-star and lead of Delicate Emma Roberts of transphobia during some banter on set. Director John J. Gray “is like, ‘Okay, ladies, that’s enough, let’s get back to work,’” Ross recalls. “She then looks at me and goes, ‘Don’t you mean lady?’” Ross says she stopped talking to Roberts on set because “there was someone who spoke up about what she was doing and they got repercussions from it. Not her, they did.” Ross further said that Roberts “had been playing mind games with everybody on this set.” Vulture reached out to both Roberts and Murphy’s teams for comment. This season, it’s American Horror Story: Co-workers.


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