What’s In Wes Anderson’s The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar?

[ad_1] A quaint, optimistically naive short kicks off Anderson’s Roald Dahl film series. Photo: Netflix It feels a little odd to assess Wes Anderson’s 39-minute short The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar, given that it’s ultimately supposed to work as part of an omnibus of Roald Dahl adaptations by the director presented via Netflix. Those… Continue reading What’s In Wes Anderson’s The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar?

Wes Anderson’s ‘Asteroid City’ Ending, Explained

[ad_1] Asteroid City plays like something of a manifesto, one that saves its most profound artist’s statement for its final minutes. Photo: Focus Features/Courtesy Everett Collection/©Focus Features/Courtesy Everet For much of his career, Wes Anderson has weathered accusations that he doesn’t so much make movies as dioramas — little dollhouse exhibits as precious as they… Continue reading Wes Anderson’s ‘Asteroid City’ Ending, Explained