King Charles’s Prostate Treatment Is Common Among Men His Age

[ad_1] King Charles III will have a procedure to address an enlarged prostate at a hospital next week. The 75-year-old British monarch’s diagnosis is common among men his age, and experts say that typical treatments are not dangerous. An enlarged prostate, known also as benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH, is a noncancerous condition that occurs… Continue reading King Charles’s Prostate Treatment Is Common Among Men His Age

Women May Face Higher Risk of Stroke Following Infertility Treatment

[ad_1] Why It Matters: The United States has the highest maternal mortality rate in the developed world. Strokes account for about 7.5 percent of pregnancy-related deaths. At the same time, use of assisted reproductive technology has risen dramatically over the past 10 years. About 2 percent of births in the United States involve infertility treatment… Continue reading Women May Face Higher Risk of Stroke Following Infertility Treatment

Addiction Treatment Eludes More Than Half of Americans in Need

[ad_1] Why It Matters: Opioid addiction affects every part of American society. Addiction cuts across class, race and geography, the KFF researchers found. Rural and white Americans were the likeliest to report personal or family opioid addiction, but significant percentages of Black, Hispanic, urban and suburban families did, as well. White families were more likely… Continue reading Addiction Treatment Eludes More Than Half of Americans in Need