SNL Takes on Stanley Cup Craze With Dakota Johnson

[ad_1] Saturday Night Live resurrected the “Big Dumb Hat” mamas to talk about their latest obsession: big dumb cups. Dakota Johnson joined Heidi Gardner and Chloe Fineman as the huge car-driving, big cup-sipping women who name their kids Braxton. And you know they got those waves with a Dyson Airwrap. Watertok’s prized accessory — already… Continue reading SNL Takes on Stanley Cup Craze With Dakota Johnson

Chicago man’s journey to find wisdom takes him across the country

[ad_1] Stuck in a rut, Imran Nuri needed advice. His college graduation, forced to Zoom because of COVID-19 in May 2020, had been lonely and demoralizing. He then tried to start a nonprofit, but it failed to get off the ground. He trudged forward into his budding life, but even when he found a new… Continue reading Chicago man’s journey to find wisdom takes him across the country

‘Scott Pilgrim Takes Off’ Anime Trailer, Release Date

[ad_1] I’m in lesbians with this news. Photo: Netflix We’re living in a golden age of animation … … about Toronto … … set in the early 2000s. Or something. Netflix is making an anime show adaptation of Bryan Lee O’Malley’s Scott Pilgrim graphic novel series, and the entire original cast of Scott Pilgrim vs.… Continue reading ‘Scott Pilgrim Takes Off’ Anime Trailer, Release Date

Gravity Takes Down Boston Police Department, Memes

[ad_1] Photo: Getty/Getty Images Every great story faces a conflict between an unstoppable force and an immovable option. We have man versus man, man versus technology, man versus nature, man versus supernatural, man versus society, and now man versus … slide? A viral video of a Boston Police Department officer absolutely blasting down the slide… Continue reading Gravity Takes Down Boston Police Department, Memes