Behind the Shortage Keeping Cancer Patients From Chemo

[ad_1] Stephanie Scanlan learned about the shortages of basic chemotherapy drugs this spring in the most frightening way. Two of the three drugs typically used to treat her rare bone cancer were too scarce. She would have to go forward without them. Ms. Scanlan, 56, the manager of a busy state office in Tallahassee, Fla.,… Continue reading Behind the Shortage Keeping Cancer Patients From Chemo

Chicago blood suppliers make urgent donor appeal amid shortage

[ad_1] Three major blood suppliers for Chicago hospitals are warning of potential rationing amid an ongoing blood shortage in the wake of the pandemic and are making an urgent appeal for more people to donate. With a decline in donations since the COVID-19, the supply has reached a troubling low in the last month, according… Continue reading Chicago blood suppliers make urgent donor appeal amid shortage

ADHD Medication Shortage Continues as the School Year Begins

[ad_1] In the spring, Riana Shaw Robinson learned that her 11-year-old son, Madison, had sprinted out of class to chase a squirrel through his school’s courtyard in Berkeley, Calif. It’s not how her sixth grader would typically behave. But that day Madison hadn’t taken his Adderall — the medication that, in his words, helps his… Continue reading ADHD Medication Shortage Continues as the School Year Begins

Tornado at Pfizer Warehouse Likely to Worsen Shortage of Surgical Drugs

[ad_1] Why It Matters: Some of these medicine are not widely produced. The U.S. Pharmacopeia, a nonprofit that examines the drug supply chain, took a close look at the likely effect of the tornado damage. The nonprofit assigns “vulnerability scores” to medications, accounting for factors linked to shortages, like low prices, quality problems at production… Continue reading Tornado at Pfizer Warehouse Likely to Worsen Shortage of Surgical Drugs