‘Real Housewives of New York City’ Recap, Season 14, Ep. 6

[ad_1] For as different and fresh as this new era successfully set out to be, there are some inescapable truths and recurring themes that this series is incapable of straying from no matter how hard it tries. And in this episode, the echoes of our bygone city ring out louder than ever — The Real Housewives… Continue reading ‘Real Housewives of New York City’ Recap, Season 14, Ep. 6

Welcome to Crappie Lake’ Finale Recap

[ad_1] After a whirlwind few weeks, Luann and Sonja’s work here is done. The mayor’s to-do list has been checked off. Benton, Illinois is celebrating its revitalization and mourning the fact that they will never again have a Christmas in July featuring two almost-fully bare asses traumatizing local children. “Mission Accomplished,” says the on-screen text,… Continue reading Welcome to Crappie Lake’ Finale Recap

‘Real Housewives of Atlanta’ Recap, Season 15 Episode 15

[ad_1] Earlier this year, us Housewives recappers were tapped by Dame Brian Moylan himself to participate in a March Madness bracket ranking the worst Househusband of all time. I dutifully stepped up to the plate (anything for Brian), taking over the “Actual Villains” section, and RHOA’s own Bob Whitfield was among the men I was… Continue reading ‘Real Housewives of Atlanta’ Recap, Season 15 Episode 15

Lioness’ Recap, Season 1, Episode 6

[ad_1] Photo: Greg Lewis/Paramount+ Get your fluffy slippers ready, folks, because it’s a Rainy Spa Day on this week’s Special Ops: Lioness! Here’s where the show locks into full gear, deftly switching back and forth between the boots on the ground at the private Spa sesh and all the inter-departmental intrigue and 4D chess going on… Continue reading Lioness’ Recap, Season 1, Episode 6

‘Foundation’ Recap, Season 2, Episode 6

[ad_1] Foundation Why the Gods Made Wine Season 2 Episode 6 Editor’s Rating 5 stars ***** Photo: Apple TV I’ve mentioned before that the TV version of Foundation is very, very different from the books, and nowhere is it clearer than in the show’s portrayal of Hari Seldon. Asimov’s Seldon is kind of a saint of science,… Continue reading ‘Foundation’ Recap, Season 2, Episode 6

‘Heels’ Recap, Season 2, Episode 4: Heavy Heads

[ad_1] Heels Heavy Heads Season 2 Episode 4 Editor’s Rating 3 stars *** Photo: Daniel Delgado/Starz/Heels B) 2022 Starz Entertainment, LLC Heels has never shied away from the brutality of devoting your life to wrestling and the damage it can do both physically and mentally — just look at the mess that is the Spade family.… Continue reading ‘Heels’ Recap, Season 2, Episode 4: Heavy Heads

‘Minx’ Recap, Season 2, Episode 5

[ad_1] Minx A stately pleasure dome decree Season 2 Episode 5 Editor’s Rating 4 stars **** Photo: John Johnson/Starz/Minx B) 2022 Starz Entertainment, LLC It’s Battle of the Sexes time on this week’s Minx, and we’re not just referring to the historic tennis match between Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs that we get a glimpse… Continue reading ‘Minx’ Recap, Season 2, Episode 5

‘The Summer I Turned Pretty’ Recap, Season Two, Episode 8

[ad_1] On behalf of our captain and season MVP, Taylor, I would like to offer my heartfelt congratulations to all members of Team Jellyfish. We did it! Belly officially chose Jeremiah — importantly, after Conrad’s midnight confession that he still wants her and before he churlishly took it back in the morning. So suck on that, Con-heads. Excuse me, that… Continue reading ‘The Summer I Turned Pretty’ Recap, Season Two, Episode 8

‘What We Do in the Shadows’ Recap, Season 5, Episode 7

[ad_1] She might not have the temperament for teaching — kudos to her for realizing this before she murdered one of her students, honestly — but Nadja’s lesson plans for her night school classes weren’t terrible. If these Antipoxan-Americans want to assimilate into Staten Island society, they’ll need to learn about the two most important aspects… Continue reading ‘What We Do in the Shadows’ Recap, Season 5, Episode 7

‘And Just Like That …’ Recap, Season 2, Episode 10

[ad_1] And Just Like That The Last Supper Part One: Appetizer Season 2 Episode 10 Editor’s Rating 3 stars *** Photo: Craig Blankenhorn/Max This week, And Just Like That… presents a horror show! You never know what you’re going to get when you turn this here program on, and this week we get so many scary things: A… Continue reading ‘And Just Like That …’ Recap, Season 2, Episode 10