‘Painkiller’ Recap, Episodes 3 and 4

[ad_1] Painkiller Blizzard of the Century / Is Believed Season 1 Episodes 3 and 4 Editor’s Rating 3 stars *** Photo: Netflix/KERI ANDERSON/NETFLIX You know how single-ply yarn can be made stronger by spinning multiple strands of fiber together into a three- or four-ply yarn? That’s what the middle two episodes of Painkiller are doing with their… Continue reading ‘Painkiller’ Recap, Episodes 3 and 4

‘Painkiller’ Wants This to Hurt

[ad_1] Painkiller chooses to document what the Sacklers and their allies knowingly did rather than why they did it, because not every villain needs an origin story. Photo: KERI ANDERSON/NETFLIX/KERI ANDERSON/NETFLIX In the contemptuous, engrossing, and consistently upsetting Painkiller, America’s health-care system has blood on its hands, and everyone involved is complicit. Avarice and ego… Continue reading ‘Painkiller’ Wants This to Hurt