Rebel Wilson’s Memoir Has a Chapter About Sacha Baron Cohen

[ad_1] Photo-Illustration: Illustration: Vulture. Photos: Getty Images Rebel Wilson isn’t letting PR threats stop her from publishing her upcoming memoir, Rebel Rising. So much so that she’s explicitly naming her former The Brothers Grimsby co-star Sacha Baron Cohen, who is reportedly featured in a chapter of the book about a negative experience in Hollywood. She… Continue reading Rebel Wilson’s Memoir Has a Chapter About Sacha Baron Cohen

Britney Spears Supports Justin Timberlake Song After Memoir

[ad_1] Fo shiz. Photo: Getty Images Britney Spears is better than me. In the early hours of January 29, she apologized for “some of the things” she wrote in her book, likely referring to the embarrassing stories about ex-boyfriend Justin Timberlake, before plugging the aforementioned man’s comeback attempt — you know, apropos of nothing. “If… Continue reading Britney Spears Supports Justin Timberlake Song After Memoir

Werner Herzog Turns the Lens on Himself in His New Memoir

[ad_1] Photo: Getty Images / Kent Nishimura This article was featured in One Great Story, New York’s reading recommendation newsletter. Sign up here to get it nightly. We find each other in the middle of nowhere, a very, very dubious location that stretches for a kilometer,” Werner Herzog tells me shortly after we meet near… Continue reading Werner Herzog Turns the Lens on Himself in His New Memoir

Which Fall 2023 Comedian Memoir Is Right for You?

[ad_1] Photo-Illustration: Vulture While it’s always changing in deference to trends, tastes, and tech, the publishing industry still traditionally releases certain books at certain times. Self-help books come out at New Year’s–resolution time, frothy beach reads hit in the summer, the high-profile celebrity memoirs arrive in the fall — many of those written by comedians.… Continue reading Which Fall 2023 Comedian Memoir Is Right for You?