10 Nutrition Tips for a Healthy New Year

[ad_1] As a health reporter who’s been following nutrition news for decades, I’ve seen a lot of trends that made a splash — and then sank. Remember olestra, the Paleo diet and celery juice? Watch enough food fads come and go, and you realize that the most valuable nutrition guidance is built on decades of… Continue reading 10 Nutrition Tips for a Healthy New Year

Beat the ‘back-to-school blues’ with healthy lunches

[ad_1] DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My kids are heading back to school, but we’ll be packing lunches for them this year. I want to make sure I’m sending things that are healthy but also that they like and will eat. Do you have any specific recommendations? ANSWER: Healthy eating is important at every age, especially for… Continue reading Beat the ‘back-to-school blues’ with healthy lunches

For healthy older people, aspirin could cause more bleeding.

[ad_1] A new analysis of data from a large clinical trial of healthy older adults found higher rates of brain bleeding among those who took daily low-dose aspirin, and no significant protection against stroke. The analysis, published Wednesday in the medical journal JAMA, is the latest evidence that low-dose aspirin, which slows the clotting action… Continue reading For healthy older people, aspirin could cause more bleeding.