RCA begins producing color televisions – Chicago Tribune

[ad_1] Today is Monday, March 25, the 85th day of 2024. There are 281 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On March 25, 1954, RCA announced it had begun producing color television sets at its plant in Bloomington, Indiana. On this date: In 1634, English colonists sent by Lord Baltimore arrived in… Continue reading RCA begins producing color televisions – Chicago Tribune

Lisa Damour’s Tips For Navigating Teen Mental Health As School Begins

[ad_1] The author and psychologist Lisa Damour has become somewhat of a celebrity among many parents of teenagers. “I’ve been Damour-alizing myself big time for about a month now,” said Rebecca Gold, a mother of three in Great Barrington, Mass. “I love her so much that I just created a verb in her honor.” Ms.… Continue reading Lisa Damour’s Tips For Navigating Teen Mental Health As School Begins

ADHD Medication Shortage Continues as the School Year Begins

[ad_1] In the spring, Riana Shaw Robinson learned that her 11-year-old son, Madison, had sprinted out of class to chase a squirrel through his school’s courtyard in Berkeley, Calif. It’s not how her sixth grader would typically behave. But that day Madison hadn’t taken his Adderall — the medication that, in his words, helps his… Continue reading ADHD Medication Shortage Continues as the School Year Begins