Beat the ‘back-to-school blues’ with healthy lunches

[ad_1] DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My kids are heading back to school, but we’ll be packing lunches for them this year. I want to make sure I’m sending things that are healthy but also that they like and will eat. Do you have any specific recommendations? ANSWER: Healthy eating is important at every age, especially for… Continue reading Beat the ‘back-to-school blues’ with healthy lunches

Can CPS cope with extreme heat during back-to-school week?

[ad_1] Once Chicago Public Schools parent Marcelina Pedraza arrived at George Washington Elementary School’s Back to School Bash on Thursday, she said she was “accosted” by two things: a teacher who told her the air conditioning wasn’t working in multiple classrooms, and the mugginess of the combined cafeteria-auditorium. Cooling and other HVAC issues aren’t new… Continue reading Can CPS cope with extreme heat during back-to-school week?

Back-to-school physicals are essential for all ages

[ad_1] DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I always have a million things to do before my three children return to school. How important are back-to-school physicals, and is it critical to schedule one for my college-bound child and my younger kids? ANSWER: Late summer is often a busy time of purchasing school supplies, finding new clothes, and… Continue reading Back-to-school physicals are essential for all ages