SNL Takes on Stanley Cup Craze With Dakota Johnson

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Saturday Night Live resurrected the “Big Dumb Hat” mamas to talk about their latest obsession: big dumb cups. Dakota Johnson joined Heidi Gardner and Chloe Fineman as the huge car-driving, big cup-sipping women who name their kids Braxton. And you know they got those waves with a Dyson Airwrap. Watertok’s prized accessory — already the most-thinkpieced object of 2024 — continues to generate controversy due to the lead in its manufacture, the Cabbage Patch Doll-esque riots at Target, and the fact that women like them (gross). The sketch used so many different Stanley cups, one wonders whether someone in the prop department is about to make serious bank on eBay. Big dumb hats off to you, Dakota Johnson! Your vocal fry was perfect in this sketch. What thing will be big and dumb next?


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