Pierce Brosnan Cited for Alleged Off-Limits Yellowstone Trip

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Photo: Steve Granitz/FilmMagic

Looks like Taylor Sheridan and Kevin Costner aren’t the only ones with a bit of Yellowstone drama bubbling up, eh? Pierce Brosnan might not have ever been part of the Dutton family, but he’s still in hot water with Yellowstone … the park, that is. Cowboy State Daily reported on Wednesday that the 70-year-old James Bond actor has received two citations for allegedly walking in off-limits areas of Yellowstone National Park. People later obtained a copy of a criminal docket that was filed in the U.S. District Court in Wyoming on December 26. According to the court document, Brosnan was cited for walking in “all thermal areas and w/in Yellowstone Canyone confined to trails” and “violating closures and use limits” on November 1. Scalding water and fragile ground can make certain areas in Yellowstone dangerous or even deadly, so the rules about where visitors can go are pretty serious — according to the Associated Press, trespassers have previously faced jail time, fines, and park bans. Representatives for Brosnan did not immediately return Vulture’s request for comment. He has been ordered to appear in court at the Yellowstone Justice Center on January 23. We’ll have to wait and see if he finds a way out of this hot water.


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