Martin Short Says He’s Not Dating Meryl Streep

C75312537ef3a7eedc485b32c80788f3ab Meryl Streep And Martin Short.1x.rsocial.w1200.jpg


Martin Short and Meryl Streep could possibly become the IT couple of 2024— surely, Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift would appreciate some cameras off of them. The only things getting in the way of Martyl Sheep are themselves. Short let Bill Maher know on his podcast that they are taking things very… platonically. He says, “We’re not a couple. We are just very close friends.” Ok, so is this a situationship? Friends with benefits type of deal? Maybe it’s a friends to lovers arc. Selena Gomez did spill that two of her friends hooked up. Could it be them? Short’s not going to break the news on someone else’s podcast, let alone Bill Maher’s, of all places. The perfect announcement would be on the Only Murders in the Building Valentine’s Day special starring Charles, Mabel, and Oliver called Only Lovers in the Building. Someone get Hulu on the phone!


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