‘Love Is Blind’ Season Five Trailer, Release Date, Cast

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Love Is Blind is back, and this season it’s daring to ask the question: “Is it possible to love someone who is incredibly hot, but also bald?” The trailer for season five just dropped, and it includes some quotes that mostly function as incredible red flags, as is the Love Is Blind way. Among them are “In the past I’ve been called ‘too much,’ but I think that I am the right amount of me,” “burp,” and the slightly on-the-nose “My past sounds like 8,000 walking red flags.” Plus, we get a shot of someone’s dad saying, “‘Love is blind,’ I get that, but sometimes love wants to fly first-class.” Get this father on the next season of The Golden Bachelor … stat. Season five of the ever cringe-inducing and freakishly addictive show will debut on Netflix September 22, just in case you want to give an early update to your friends and family about which weekend you’ll be unavailable.


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