Let the Gold Rush Newsletter Be Your Guide to Awards Season

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Gold Rush

The road to the Dolby Theatre is paved with politicking and punditry — let us be your guide. Gold Rush is Vulture’s newsletter on the ups and downs of awards season, available exclusively to New York subscribers.

Sign up, and each Friday, starting January 26, you’ll receive a report on the latest news in the awards race, emceed by Vulture’s Oscar Futures columnist Nate Jones. Nate has been writing his awards column for over five years and brings a wealth of industry knowledge to the prediction game — and sharp horse-race instincts. (He was in the room during The Slap.) Among other things, he has turned his keen critical eye on the transformation of A24 into an HBO–style behemoth. He also wrote the definitive guide to Hollywood nepo babies.

Along with Nate’s expert commentary, subscribers can expect a mix of punditry from awards experts, staff chats, dispatches from Los Angeles, blind items, and trash talk.

Read here for more about the full slate of newsletters subscribers get exclusive access to, including My Week in New York and The Critics. (A subscription also means you’ll get unlimited access to every vertical: Vulture, the Cut, the Strategist, Grub Street, Intelligencer, and Curbed.) And click here to get started for just $1 per week.


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