Burning Man Attendees Trapped After Rainstorm

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An art installation from Burning Man in 2013.
Photo: KQED/YouTube

Burning Man festival attendees are alerted to stay put at their campsites after an unexpected rainstorm has made the surrounding areas difficult to maneuver through, The Guardian reports. After the storm and with the aftermath of Hurricane Hillary from last month, the festival grounds have transformed into “thick and slimy” mud that makes it difficult for people to walk through. Attendees are being told to shelter in place and to conserve food and water; they are also not allowed to drive out of the festival as only emergency vehicles are permitted to drive. “Burning man got rained out….. we’re all stuck here. Let’s pray it stops raining,” wrote one festival goer on social media, with a video of the muddy fields. Vulture has reached out to Burning Man for comment on the storm.

This is a developing story.


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