Jacob Elordi Talks ‘Saltburn’ in SNL Monologue

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Jacob Elordi kicked off his Saturday Night Live monologue with a clip that shockingly made it past the NBC censors, albeit with plenty of pixelation. “I was the one in the grave,” he said of the infamous Saltburn scene that made the rounds online. “If you saw the movie, thank you. If you saw the movie with your parents, I’m sorry,” Elordi continued. Not being one for public speaking, he then turned to a monologue staple: questions from the audience. After getting asked about his favorite version of Elvis (Lilo & Stitch Elvis, obviously), Sarah Sherman took the floor with a grievance about his “absolutely gross” movie. But before he could defend Saltburn, Sherman clarified, “I’m talking about The Kissing Booth. Two people kissing on the mouth? Ugh!”


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