‘Reservation Dogs’ Recap, Season 3, Episode 7

[ad_1] Can we talk briefly about how tough it is out here for Native women? Because it is rough. Okay, this might not be news if you’ve ever spent more than five minutes around any Native woman or consumed any media helmed by Native women. This week’s episode of Reservation Dogs, directed by Kawennáhere Devery Jacobs and […]

Dallas Goldtooth on ‘Reservation Dogs’ Final Season

[ad_1] “There are no rules that apply to him,” Goldtooth explains of his character, William Knifeman, a spirit tasked with guiding Bear (D’Pharaoh Woon-A-Tai). “He can talk to Die Hard movies and Indigenous knowledge, because that’s who we are as people today.” Photo: Shane Brown/FX William Knifeman, the irreverent, dubiously helpful spirit tasked with ushering […]

‘Reservation Dogs’ Recap, Season 3, Episode 6

[ad_1] Reservation Dogs Frankfurter Sandwich Season 3 Episode 6 Editor’s Rating 4 stars **** Photo: Shane Brown/FX So far, each season of Reservation Dogs has included a plotline about a departure. In season one, we had Daniel (a young boy who was close friends with Elora, Bear, Cheese, and Willie Jack) who took his own life, leaving the rest […]

‘Reservation Dogs’ Recap, Season 3, Episode 5

[ad_1] Reservation Dogs House Made of Bongs Season 3 Episode 5 Editor’s Rating 4 stars **** Photo: Shane Brown/FX In the Greek myth of Prometheus, the deity brings light, creativity, and knowledge to humankind, but in return he is punished severely. The gods see his act of kindness to humans as a transgression, and so […]

‘Reservation Dogs’ Recap, Season 3, Episode 4: Friday

[ad_1] Photo: Shane Brown/FX/Copyright 2023, FX Networks. All rights reserved. “Friday” offers viewers a gentle comedown after the intense drama of last week’s episode, which has sparked some important, necessary public conversation around the history of Indigenous Boarding Schools in the United States. This week, Elora, Bear, Cheese, and Willie Jack each receive an important upgrade […]

‘Reservation Dogs’ Recap, Season 3, Episode 3: Deer Lady

[ad_1] Before we start the recap in earnest, a quick note that we’ll be touching on the episode’s depictions of Residential/Boarding School abduction and abuse. By now, we know that Reservation Dogs has never shied away from tackling tough topics within NDN Country, and this week’s episode is no exception. We are again brutally reminded that Daniel’s […]

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