‘Foundation’ Recap, Season 2, Episode 4

[ad_1] Foundation Where the Stars Are Scattered Thinly Season 2 Episode 4 Editor’s Rating 4 stars **** Photo: Apple TV Foundation is an interesting adaptation because of how it runs almost polar opposite to the experience of reading its source material. Whereas Asimov’s books dealt in grand scales, exploring big ideas largely from an argumentative standpoint […]

‘Heartstopper’ Recap, Season 2, Episode 7: Sorry

[ad_1] Heartstopper Sorry Season 2 Episode 7 Editor’s Rating 4 stars **** Photo: Netflix/Samuel Dore Heartstopper has always had a knack for generating clever set pieces: events typically related to school that allow the characters to bounce off one another in interesting ways. This season’s three-episode class trip to Paris provided an especially refreshing break from […]

‘What We Do in the Shadows’ Recap, Season 5, Episode 5

[ad_1] Photo: FX/Copyright 2023, FX Networks. All Rights Reserved. Aside from personal injury lawyers who advertise on the subway, news anchors are the best kind of local celebrity: Ubiquitous. Inoffensive. The kind of thing that can bring a city together. And since I’m from Chicago (shoutout to my man Tom Skilling!), I admit that I […]

‘Heartstopper’ Recap, Season 2, Episode 6: Truth / Dare

[ad_1] Heartstopper Truth / Dare Season 2 Episode 6 Editor’s Rating 5 stars ***** Photo: Netflix/Samuel Dore/Netflix One of the most important themes that keeps coming up in Heartstopper is the concept of abolishing the coming-out timetable. As humans, we’re extremely disposed to comparing ourselves to other people, and throughout our childhoods we develop a set of […]

‘Heartstopper’ Recap, Season 2, Episode 5: Heat

[ad_1] Heartstopper Heat Season 2 Episode 5 Editor’s Rating 3 stars *** Photo: Netflix/Teddy Cavendish/Netflix “Heat” feels like exactly what it is: the middle chapter in season two’s Paris arc, a holiday where new relationships are born and old ones are tested. It’s a good episode, for sure, continuing the mostly-good vibes of the last […]

Strange New Worlds’ Recap, Season 2, Episode 9

[ad_1] Photo: Paramount+/Paramount+ Hi, I’m Sophie, your guest recapper. Keith will be back to cover the season finale next week, and I’ve promised not to trash the place while he’s away. As they say, both on Broadway and in outer space, on with the show! The writers of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds did not have to […]

‘Heartstopper’ Recap, Season 2, Episode 4: Challenge

[ad_1] Heartstopper Challenge Season 2 Episode 4 Editor’s Rating 4 stars **** Photo: Netflix/Teddy Cavendish/Netflix Oh, to be in love on vacation. For both lovesick teenagers and adults alike, there’s a unique appeal to it: exploring a beautiful new place with the best friend you also get to kiss. Sometimes everything feels possible when you […]

‘Heartstopper’ Recap, Season 2, Episode 3: Promise

[ad_1] Heartstopper Promise Season 2 Episode 3 Editor’s Rating 4 stars **** Photo: Netflix Three episodes in, I’m starting to understand the shape of season two of Heartstopper. Season one ended with a definitive new milestone in Nick’s coming-out journey: not only embracing his identity as Charlie’s boyfriend but coming out to his mom, with the […]

‘Heartstopper’ Recap, Season Two, Episode Two: Family

[ad_1] Heartstopper Family Season 2 Episode 2 Editor’s Rating 4 stars **** Photo: Netflix/Samuel Dore With each season of Heartstopper getting a mere eight half-hour episodes, we only get so much time to explore each character’s home life. This is a show that spends more time on chosen families than blood families, and we really haven’t […]

‘Heartstopper’ Recap, Season 2, Episode 1: Out

[ad_1] Heartstopper Out Season 2 Episode 1 Editor’s Rating 4 stars **** Photo: Netflix/Samuel Dore Season one of Netflix’s Heartstopper was one of 2022’s most joyful surprises: a coming-of-age series that delivered a mostly lighthearted (but never fantastical) depiction of the contemporary coming-out process. At every turn, it felt possible that the show could lapse into sappiness and sentimentality, […]

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