Pianist Nicolas Hodges Adapts to Life With Parkinson’s

[ad_1] In the fall of 2018, the pianist Nicolas Hodges noticed his body shaking. He brought it up at a routine doctor’s appointment in Tübingen, Germany, where he lives. The doctor said it was probably stress, but recommended that he make an appointment with a neurologist. Hodges didn’t make that appointment right away. But then, […]

Pianist Nicolas Hodges Adapts to Life With Parkinson’s

[ad_1] In the fall of 2018, the pianist Nicolas Hodges noticed his body shaking. He brought it up at a routine doctor’s appointment in Tübingen, Germany, where he lives. The doctor said it was probably stress, but recommended that he make an appointment with a neurologist. Hodges didn’t make that appointment right away. But then, […]

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